Moustache Music: Ласковые Усы

A missive from one of our under-cover correspondents (name removed so as not to reveal the secret identity which he has taken years to build):

Greetings good sir, I stumbled upon this whilst browsing youtube videos in Russian (видео по русски). It certainly raises more questions than it alone can answer. While the gentlemen in this band don’t seem to regard the moustache as seriously, or wear it with the same cold sternness as many of their moustached countrymen, it must be admitted that they are on to something here. Fuckin gold. Well, except for the music, but somehow, all the other combinations of stupid make up for it. Their name roughly translates into “Caressing Moustache”.

Well, alright champ, that is all,
T, Minister of Belles-Lettre

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One Response to Moustache Music: Ласковые Усы

  1. “Caressing Moustache” is the closest literal word-for-word translation
    of the band’s name. Another English equivalent that lands closer to
    the Russian meaning is “Tender Whiskers”, which is a great fucking
    band name in English, and one I would recommend staking your claim
    to it quick, because it wont be available for long.
    From the field
    T. -High Priest of Post-Future Data-Base Knowledge Recovery Implementation and Concealment: Dept. of Updates, Corrections, and Erasing 2016-17 stage 3.

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