Moustache Humour: Ron Swanson

I’ll admit that I was completely oblivious to Ron Swanson and the Parks & Rec TV show until about 5 minutes ago, when I finally had the chance to research an anonymous tip from a reader. This is due in large part to your Fearless Leader’s tendency to be a luddite. I have never owned a television, and would much prefer that the contents of this site be transmitted by telegraph to any interested parties. But I digress.

The fact of the matter is that Ron Swanson is really damned funny. What’s more, my anonymous source sent me some behind-the-scenes info on his stache. Enjoy:

“Two weeks is a passable moustache. It’s like, ‘Yeah, that’s a moustache.’ But it takes longer for the upper nasal labial whiskers to reach the top lip. To grow the full ’stache is five to six weeks. Fun fact: facial hair is the provenance of the makeup department, not the hair department. We have this amazing makeup head named Autumn Butler, and she takes a lot of pride in maintaining Ron Swanson’s moustache.”

–Nick Offerman (who plays Ron Swanson on Parks & Rec, talking to The Believer

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