Moustached Individuals of Distinction and Prowess: Hermann Rohrschach

Hermann Rorschach

It recently came to my attention that Hermann Rorschach had a moustache. And of course it is obvious to the meanest intelligence that his inspiration for the Rorschach ink blot test came originally from the symmetry of men’s facial hair and its impact on bare faced mortals.

Obviously a crude rendition of a moustache. Or perhaps a nude female riding a pale horse through a snowstorm in July.
Obviously a crude rendition of a moustache. Or perhaps a nude woman riding a pale horse through a snowstorm in July. I’m not sure.

And of course, the obligatory Rorschach joke:

A psychologist shows a patient an ink blot and asks him what he sees. “That’s a man and a woman having sex,” the man replied. He shows him a second inkblot. “That’s two men and a woman having sex,” he said. And a third inkblot. “That’s a man and two women having sex.” The psychologist says, “I think I know what your problem is; you’re clearly obsessed with sex.” “Me?” the man says, “You’re the one showing all the dirty pictures.”

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